Koncesijos sutartis (teoriniai aspektai ir praktinės problemos)
Sinkevičius, Vytautas |
Toločko, Vadimas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Jokūbauskas, Česlovas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Marčiulionis, Aloyzas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Misius, Rolandas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Švirinas, Daivis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Baranauskas, Egidijus | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama koncesijos sutarčių teisinio reglamentavimo ir jų praktinio įgyvendinimo problemų tema. Darbe siekiama atskleisti šios temos aktualumą, egzistuojančias problemas bei pateikti galimus sprendimo variantus. Analizuojant teisinę bazę, tarptautinių institucijų ir organizacijų pateiktas rekomendacijas ir pasiūlymus, teisės doktrinos kūrėjų darbus bei kitą medžiagą, siekiama parodyti, kad koncesijų sutartys yra naudingas įrankis siekiant tiek viešajam, tiek privačiajam sektoriui naudingų tikslų. Tačiau taip pat norima atkreipti dėmesį, kad Lietuvos Respublikos koncesijų įstatymo nuostatos dar turėtų būti tobulinamos. Šis darbas aktualus ir todėl, kad Lietuvoje koncesijoms nėra skiriamas pakankamas dėmesys, tad visuomenė nepakankami informuota apie koncesijos suteikiamas galimybes, o potencialiems koncesijos sutarčių sudarytojams trūksta metodinės pagalbos.
This work analyses the subject of legal regulation of concession treaties and it‘s practical questions. It aims at revealing the relevance of this subject, existing problems and providing possible solutions. Through the analysis of legal basis, proposals and recommendations of international institutions and organizations, works of law doctrine authors and other material, this paper tries to show that treaties of concession may be very useful instrument while seeking the aims, which are beneficial for both the private and the public sectors. Yet the attention is being also paid that the provisions of the law of Concession of Lithuania also have to be improved. This work is also relevant because presently it is not being paid a sufficient consideration towards concessions in Lithuania. Therefore the society is insufficiently informed about potentialities of concessions whereas the potential drawers of concession agreements still lack methodical support. In the beginning of the work the important concepts of this work are being discussed – the concepts of concession, concession treaty, public work concession, etc. Further the work comes to the elements and substance of concession treaty and attributes the treaty to certain types of contracts. This distribution helps to realize better the features of legislative regulation of concession treaty, to penetrate some inaccuracies of legislation and submit relevant suggestions and recommendations. Alike suggestions are being offered in the next chapter, when analyzing the procedures of granting the concessions. In particular chapter the author discusses the features of public work concession, it‘s legislative regulation and the question of differentiation from public purchase and public work concession. This work also analyses the practice of concession realization in Lithuania and foreign countries. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of concessions are being revealed, because it is important while realizing the perspectives of concessions in Lithuania. The purpose of this work is to draw attention towards the possibilities given by the projects of concession and also reveal the problems, which have not been discussed in Lithuanian legal theory works yet. This work is just the introduction into the area of concessions and which may be the point of departure for those, who are interested in concessions.