Teisė į sveikatos priežiūrą Lietuvos teisės aktuose
Burdelienė, Jekaterina |
Širinskienė, Agnė | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Juškevičius, Jonas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Narbekovas, Andrius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Stakišaitis, Donatas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Juškevičius, Jonas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Baublys, Linas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Lapinskaitė, Genovaitė | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
In this Paper it has been considered a problem regarding a person’s right to the health care ensuring in legal system of the Republic of Lithuania. Based on literary sources studied, an author provides the conceptions of health and the health care, taking into consideration the integrity of the issues mentioned. Specific features of the subject in question have conditioned the consideration of the patients’ rights, the description of a person’s right to the health care formation; citation and analysis of legal acts regulating the law concerned. Besides the main legal acts, such as the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, international deeds that became an integral part of legal system of Lithuania that were mentioned as the sources, based on which the aforementioned law was declaratively legitimated. The present Paper considers also national laws adopted in the area of medicine and appropriate subordinate legal acts. Taking into consideration that legitimation in legal acts of Lithuania the right to the health care reflects the state’s objectives to create backgrounds and conditions upon which each person could implement his/her right to the health improving, the Paper author on the basis of articles published in periodical press, provides a review of the state existing situation in the area of the health care, namely in regard with its primary level. Having in mind that the basis of legal system of every country of the world is the state Constitution or the Main Law, the provisions of which are considered as the legal system background, the Paper wording part has been completed by a review related to legitimation of the right to the health care in constitutions of different countries of the world. The hypothesis set up in the Paper beginning was tested by analytic, abstractive, comparative, resumptive and theoretical methods. As a result of this research there were formed the appropriate conclusions, the main of which disproved the hypothesis set, i.e. comprehensive legitimation in legal system of Lithuania the patients’ right, including the right to the health care, up to now can be considered as pre-condition of this right realization. According to author, the issue related to the legitimation in a legal system of Lithuania a person’s right to the health care requires more comprehensive research to be carried out in the area of environment protection, social economic and others.