Prokuroras valdžių padalijimo sistemoje: procesinis aspektas
Tamulionytė, Aistė |
Panomariovas, Artūras | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Belevičius, Linas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Barkauskas, Alvydas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Jurgaitis, Ramūnas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Laurikėnas, Adas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Juzukonis, Saulius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Zajančkauskienė, Jolanta | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Master Paper consist of an introduction, three supplementing each other parts, which first part determined position of prosecutor among system of state powers separation more in theoretic aspect, second part – in process aspect, third part gave some specific features of prosecutor powers, those analysis conclusion is given. At the end of the work the list of used literature, and a summary in Lithuanian and English languages is presented. Meaning to discover in which aspect and volume of work the status or prosecutor will be investigating, a conception of principle of state powers separation and the main features of powers at first in work was discussed. An analysis of prosecutor status among system of state powers separation makes the main part of work. At first analyzed position of prosecutor among system of state powers separation in theoretic aspect, development of status of prosecuting magistracy and relation between prosecuting magistracy and other powers in Lithuania position, examples of status of prosecutor among system of state powers separation in other countries, experience determining this relation, - that taking into account that it could be possible more comprehensively disclosed status of prosecutor and position at first among system of government powers separation and among system of other justice institutions. Two research social test of subjects of Master Paper made easer this work. At the second part of work analyzed powers of prosecutors in before-the-trial and in trial stages, disclosing relation between prosecutor functions and at first with court power functions, with execution power and law-security institutions functions, not forgetting to mention specific practical and lawful problems considerate to the laws and taking into account practice. At the last part of work some specific features of prosecutor powers are given, related with prosecutor powers in execution process, protecting public interest, performing before-the-trial stage and performing powers given by law in trial stages some categories of cases, resumptioning criminal cases. At the conclusion is given generalizations and remarks of the analysis of status of prosecutor and prosecutor position in system of state powers separation.