Atsiskaitymo elektroninėmis kortelėmis analizė ir teisinė charakteristika
Kaminskienė, Asta |
Petrauskas, Rimantas Alfonsas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Kiškis, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Štitilis, Darius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Kiškis, Mindaugas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Krasauskas, Vytautas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
The field of electronic payments is the field of permanent experiments, tests and tries. Fast development of electronic payments relations, new bank technologies, enabling payments’ and transactions’ initiative and implementation in immaterial environment, determines these relations to “put” into the legal frame. Electronic payment is one of the most interesting questions in e-commerce and it is researched many years by the representatives of informatics and economics science in foreign countries. This subject is innovative. There is a lack of literature. Electronic payment is one of the most common bank services, but this field is still terra incognita for the lawyers of Lithuania. The legal basis in the field of electronic payments is not enough developed. It is analyzed institute of electronic payments (cards) according to the law of the Republic of Lithuania and its implementation in practice. It is seeking to reveal the content of the institute of payment using electronic cards and to determine legal regulations aspects of the electronic payments in the European Union and in the Republic of Lithuania. It is overlooked the diversity of the issued cards by the biggest Lithuanian banks, their popularity. It is explored legal regulation of electronic payment in the European Union and in the Republic of Lithuania. The main definitions: transaction, payment, electronic payment, credit card, debit card, card with magnetic strip, cards with microprocessor (lust card), bank issuer, intermediaries.