Lietuvos privalomojo socialinio draudimo modelis
Rekašiūtė, Indra |
Kaušinis, Edvardas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Strumskis, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Daujotaitė, Dalia | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Miškinis, Algirdas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
VasarienÄ—, Dalia | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
DarulienÄ—, Lina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
ÄŒernius, Gintaras | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
DaujotaitÄ—, Dalia | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
NovikeviÄ?ius, Vaitiekus | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Išanalizavus pagrindinius Lietuvos valstybinį socialinį draudimą reglamentuojančius įstatymus, nutarimus, kitus normatyvinius aktus bei įvairią su darbo tema susijusią literatūrą ir atitinkamus statistinius duomenis darbe atsakyta į darbo tikslui pasiekti išsikeltus uždavinius bei suformuotą hipotezę. Apžvelgus XIX a. pabaigoje susiformavusias socialinės apsaugos Bismarck’o ir Beveridge tradicijas bei Gosta Espin-Anderssen išskirtus tris socialinės apsaugos modelius (liberalusis, konservatyvusis ir socialdemokratinis) nustatyta, kad Lietuvos socialinio draudimo modelis turi ir konservatyviojo, ir liberaliojo modelio bruožų. Kadangi, Lietuvoje vis plečiama pensijų sistema, kurioje ateityje valstybė suteiks tik minimalią (bazinę) pensiją, o didžiąją dalį pensijos žmogui turės uždirbti naujai į rinką įsilieję dalyviai - pensijų fondai. Darbe pabrėžta, kad teoriniai socialiniai apsaugos modeliai šiandiena nei vienoje valstybėje grynu pavidalu neegzistuoja, todėl būtina išskirti ir papildomą mišrų socialinį modelį, turintį kiekvieno darbe aptartų modelio bruožų.
Having analysed the main laws, decisions and other normative acts regulating the Lithuanian state social insurance as well as various literature and appropriate statistical data related to the topic of the paper, the work contains answers to the suggested hypothesis and the tasks set to achieve the aim of the paper. After covering Bismarck and Beveridge’s social security traditions, formed at the end of the 19th century, and three social security models distinguished by Gosta Espin-Anderssen (the liberal, conservative and social-democratic models), it was established that the Lithuanian state social insurance has some features of both the conservative and the liberal models. As in Lithuania the system of pensions is being developed in which the state will give only a minimum (basic) pension in the future, and the biggest part of the pension for a person will be earned by the participants which came to the market newly, i.e. by pension funds. In the work it is stressed that theoretical social security models do not exist in any state in their pure form nowadays, therefore it is also necessary to distinguish an additional mixed social model, containing some of the features of the discussed models. The model of the Lithuanian state social insurance was started to be formed as early as in 1926 after promulgating the Law of the Chief Social Insurance Board. World Wars I and II, changing German and the czarist Russian government had influence on the formation of the social insurance model in Lithuania. However, the strongest and most suitable (according to the situation and possibilities at that time) fundamentals of the social insurance model in Lithuania were built in 1990 when Lithuania started to fight for the regaining of its independence. Having covered the development of the social insurance in Lithuania, a conclusion was drawn that changeable social, economic and demographic phenomena have a great impact on the features and principles of the social insurance model which are being formed. After all, when seeking for welfare in the society, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the problems of nowadays but also to envisage what problems may arise in the future, therefore the Lithuanian social insurance model has to be flexible and accommodating to various changeable economic and social phenomena. In the third section it was suggested, after analyzing the legal acts regulating social insurance, sorts and tariffs of social insurance, to introduce the “ceiling” of the social insurance installments in Lithuania. Such a solution would help Lithuania remain competitive and attract more foreign investors. What is more, after establishing the “ceiling” of the social insurance installments there would be a possibility that businessmen legalize at least part of the salaries given in “envelopes”. The paper also analyses the size of unemployment benefits in Lithuania. It is assumed that at present benefits are rather big in comparison to an average wage. Too big unemployment benefits do not encourage workers to survive in the labour market as long as possible and to earn some money themselves. Therefore, it is suggested to tighten the estimation of the size of the unemployment benefit. Insufficient differentiation of accidents at work, the installments of the professional disease social insurance and the transfer of the money of the State social insurance funds were also discussed in the paper. At the end of the work conclusions are drawn and suggestions are given as regards the possibilities to improve the compulsory social insurance model.