Viešųjų ir privačių interesų suderinamumas banko likvidavimo atveju
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Straipsnyje tiriama viena iš nemokaus banko nemokumo procedūrų – banko likvidavimas, analizuojamas nemokaus banko likvidavimo reglamentavimas Lietuvoje ir jo praktinis įgyvendinimas per viešųjų ir privačių interesų suderinamumą. Straipsnyje inter alia atskleidžiama banko likvidavimo samprata.
While the definition of bank liquidation has never been provided in the scientific field of Lithuania, this paper inter alia suggests a term of bank liquidation. With the purpose to explore the actual meaning of legal norms and legislations as well as content and to analyze the literature, the systematic and document analyses, synthesis, comparative, critical thought methods were used. The statements are derived from analyses of scientific literature, relevant legislation, the practice of the courts and relevant reports. The paper is written from the perspective of the Lithuanian law.