Meninio ir socialinio profilio studentų kūrybiškumo ir asmenybės bruožų palyginimas
Author(s) |
Sapranavičiūtė, Laura |
Perminas, Aidas |
Šinkariova, Liuda |
Date Issued |
2010 |
Tyrime buvo palygintas meninio ir socialinio profilio studentų divergentinio mąstymo, kūrybiškumo kaip savybių rinkinio ir Eysenck asmenybės bruožų išreikštumas. Nustatyta, kad meninio ir socialinio profilio studentai skiriasi ir kūrybiškumo, ir asmenybės bruožų išreikštumu. Meninio profilio studentai priskiria sau daugiau kūrybiškai asmenybei būdingų charakteristikų nei socialinių mokslų studentai, tačiau pastarieji kūrybiškesni pagal mąstymo sklandumą. Nors meninio ir socialinio profilio studentai mąstymo originalumu nesiskiria, skirtumas išryškėja studentus lyginant specialybių grupėse. Aktoriai pasižymi didesniu mąstymo originalumu ir sklandumu, palyginti su muzikais. Meninio profilio studentams būdingesni psichotiškumo ir neurotiškumo bruožai (statistiškai patikimo skirtumo tendencija) nei socialinių mokslų studentams.
Previous studies identified personality traits, which depend on artistic and intellectual creativity. There is a lack of such studies in Lithuania. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare the aspects of the expression of creativity and personality traits in students of artistic and social profile.117 students of artistic and social profile from various universities of Lithuania participated in this study. 88 female and 29 male students, aged from 20 to 44 years (mean 22.53 ± 2.908), were interviewed. Participants answered three different questionnaires: the Lithuanian version of H. and S. Eysenck questionnaire (1991), which measured personality traits, H. G. Gough Creative Personality Scale (1979) and Wallach and Kogan Divergent Thinking Battery (1965), both of which assessed creativity. Students of artistic profile are statistically significantly more creative according to creativity as set as characteristics than social science students; students of artistic profile, however, are less creative when divergent thinking (fluency) is assessed. Actors are more creative by creativity as set of characteristics than psychologists. They are more creative than musicians and economists when originality is evaluated. Actors and psychologists are more creative than musicians according to fluency of thinking. Moreover, there are tendencies of statistically significant differences that psychologists are more creative than economists when originality is assessed, and economists are more creative according to fluency than musicians. Students of artistic profile choose features associated with creative personality more often than social science students, and social science students– negatively associated with creative personality. Students of artistic profile attribute to themselves adjectives such as original, inventive and unconventional more often than social science students. Social Science students attribute to themselves such adjectives as intelligent, conventional and mannerly more often. Students of artistic profile attribute to themselves adjectives such as informal, and social science students – adjectives such as honest and submissive more often. The psychoticism trait is more typical to students of artistic profile than students studying social sciences. There is a tendency that the neuroticism trait is also more typical to students of artistic than social profile.