Lietuvos šilumos ūkio administravimas
Klaipėdos universitetas |
Sunku būtų ginčyti Šilumos akto reikšmę valstybei. Lietuvos Šilumos sektorius pagal savo svarbą, darbuotojų skaičių, bendrąjį ilgalaikio šilumos įmonių turto vertę, vartotojų skaičių yra vienas reikšmingiausių šalyje. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos energetikos ūkio administravimas, pateikiami empirinio tyrimo rezultatai, kurio tikslas ištirti šilumos ūkio nuomos efektyvumą. Šilumos ūkio teikiamos paslaugos - viešosios paslaugos, todėl vartotojų interesus turi apsaugoti valstybė, atstovaujama vietinės valdžios. Po 1997 metų birželio 27 dienos Vyriausybės priimto nutarimo Nr. 675 „Dėl specialios paskirties AB „Lietuvos energija" reorganizavimo" šilumos ūkis pasiskirstė tarp savivaldybių. Kuo efektyviau vietos valdžia sugebės administruoti jai priskirtą šilumos ūkį, tuo labiau ji galės patenkinti savo sektoriaus vartotojų poreikius ir siekti rinkos skaidrumo.
Actuality of the chosen topic is in the fact that the Lithuanian heating network is going under development. Having estimated the existing administration experience correctly, one can change or influence upon the heating sectors future. The novelty and practical meaning of the work consists in the research of the effectiveness of the Lithuanian heating system administration to be performed, alongside with the theoretical and practical analysis. The accent is put upon the inevitability of changes in the energy sector. The changes are inevitable if being deeply investigated by researchers and scientific specialists doing profound SWOT analysis to reinforce the heating system activities using transparent financial sources. The scientific literature has been analyzed concerning (alternative) capital investments alternatives for heating systems modernization. The main alternatives are: bank credits, concession companies rentals and privatization of companies. The other alternatives are: service argument; administration agreement. However, the validity term of such services is by for shorter, so they com serve as temporary means alone. Summarizing the results the method of analytical criticism has been used. AB "Vilniaus energija" the Vilnius energy sector of the beginning of 2002 has been analysed. This company signed a rental concession agreement with a foreign society. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of the heating system rentals to the private sector, the empirical questionnaire analysis of 60 Lithuanian municipal authorities has been carried out. The data received were summarized and integrated into the contents of the work. The results of the empirical analysis have proved the hypothesis. The Lithuanian heating system administration has been stated to have been ineffective for the private sector rentals. The private sector services are carried out under conditions which are unsuitable for the consumer.