Issues of licensing of wholesale and retail trade in alcohol products in Lithuania
Киiвський унiверситет |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Objective of the article is to analyse issues of administrative legal regulation for licensing of wholesale and retail trade in alcohol products in Lithuania and to provide reasonable proposals for directions and methods in order to streamline the regulation. As a result of research were formulated a few conclusions. The sanction of the institutions of public administration for violations of licensing procedure for trade in alcohol products is as often as not based on provisions of the Law is disproportionate with respect to the committed violations. Besides in Lithuania there is no unified national database for licenses granted to economic subjects allowing carrying out production, import and export of alcohol products. The author notes segmentation of the object of administrative legal regulation for licensing of retail trade in alcoholic beverages into ten smaller objects based on the period and place of sales of alcoholic beverages and potency of these beverages adds more confusion to the licensing system and aggravates access of fair business subjects to the market. As well licensing practice lacks consistent position with regards to business interest to engage in retail trade in alcoholic beverages and compete freely, relation of proportionality between limitations in the market of trade in alcoholic beverages and ensuring of public interest in safe, cultures environment and peace.