Globalised world and mobility: some implications for intercultural education
Author(s) | |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Straipsnyje pažymima, kad globaliame pasaulyje tarpkultūrinė patirtis tampa beveik neatsiejama kiekvieno žmogaus kasdienos dalimi. Ugdytojams tenka atsižvelgti į šiuos iššūkius ir ieškoti galimybių padėti studentams (šiame straipsnyje pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas besimokantiesiems aukštojoje mokykloje) reflektuoti savo kultūrinės savasties, kitų žmonių, kurių jie globaliame pasaulyje sutiks daug, suvokimo aspektais, todėl pristatomi empirinio tyrimo, kuriuo siekta išsiaiškinti studentų patirtį ir išgyvenimus kitoje šalyje, taip pat, ko jie jaučiasi kitose šalyse išmokę, su kokiais sunkumais susidūrę, rezultatai.
In the paper it is emphasized that in a globalised world intercultural experiences become almost integral part of daily routines of people of almost all ages, and therefore almost change the culture as more traditional societies used to know it. Interculturalism is defined as an active process that implies interaction among members in a culturally diverse environment. Therefore educators have to start to consider the possibilities to help students (in this paper the context of higher education is analysed) to reflect on their cultures, their cultural identities, and the perception of other people, whom they will be meeting more often in a globalised world. Therefore in this paper results of an empiric study on the students opinions what are their experiences and feelings in other countries and cultures, what they feel they learnt living abroad, are presented.