Approach to remunerations in Poland in the years 2009-2010
Author(s) | |
Kubica, Iwona | Cracow University of Economics |
Rychwalska, Anna | Cracow University of Economics |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2011 |
Kintanti verslo aplinka reikalauja didelių pastangų siekiant užsitikrinti bei palaikyti verslo konkurencingumą rinkoje. Ekonominio nuosmukio sąlygomis daugelis firmų buvo priverstos taupyti, neretai ir darbuotojų atlyginimų sąskaita. Krokuvos ekonomikos universiteto Žmogiškojo kapitalo vadybos katedroje atlikti atlyginimų sistemų tendencijų Lenkijos darbo rinkoje 2009–2010 m., jų padėtis ES rinkose.
The turbulent environment in which businesses operate forces them to undertake a large effort to obtain and maintain competitive advantage on the market. In association with the economic slowdown that we have been observing since 2008, many companies have been forced to look for savings, often in the area of employee remuneration. In association with this, the Chair of Human Capital Management of the Cracow University of Economics in the years 2009-2010 has undertaken surveys regarding trends in remuneration systems in the scope of changes in the labour market. The prepared paper contains an analysis of changes that have taken place in recent years on the Polish labour market in the context of markets of the European Union, as well as a presentation of original research findings with particular discussion of companies' approach to problems of remunerations in years 2009-2010.