Agresyvus tėvų elgesys su savo vaikais: pedagoginės korekcijos prielaidos
Date Issued |
2006 |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos agresyvaus tėvų elgesio su savo vaikais koregavimo galimybės. Manoma, kad mokytojų darbo specifika - ilgalaikis, artimas bendravimas su moksleiviais - gali padėti edukacinėmis priemonėmis daryti įtaką agresyviam tėvų elgesiui su savo vaikais. Be to, pedagoginė korekcija gali būti veiksminga realizuojant auklėjamąją funkciją per moksleivio, jo šeimos pažinimą ir teigiamą įtaką. Analizuojama, kokių veiksmų imasi mokytojai, savo pedagoginiame darbe susidūrę su agresyviu tėvų elgesiu su savo vaikais, kaip skiriasi mokytojų reakcija į tėvų agresiją šeimoje, atsižvelgiant į pedagoginio darbo patirtį, ar mokytojai patys mėgina paveikti agresyvų tėvų elgesį su savo vaikais.
Possibilities to correct aggressive behaviour of parents with their children are considered in the article. It is believed that thanks to the work specifics, the teachers could influence aggressive behaviour of parents with their children with the help of educational measures, and by a continuous, close communication with the schoolchildren. Besides, effectiveness of pedagogical correction may be achieved by realizing the education function in getting to know the child, his/her family, and a positive influence. It has been established that having received the information on children suffering aggression in the family, the teachers are showing initiative in trying to find out the circumstances of such behaviour. Teachers having 10-14 years pedagogical work experience are communicating with other specialists (psychologist, social teacher) more often. Teachers with the longest pedagogical work experience (25 years and more) are ready to render help themselves. Many teachers, even in certain conditions (mostly - when parents want to change educational attitudes), managed to influence successfully the aggressive behaviour of parents with their children. The following are the reasons for aggressive behaviour of parents as told by the teachers (predetermined by lack of pedagogical information, knowledge): lack of parents' education in raising children, absence of contact with the child, absence of traditions in the family. In cases with such reasons the teachers' help would be most beneficial. Moreover, the teachers may get feedback on changes in the family when continuing the educational action and communicating with the child, and if needed - to make further adjustments.