Vaikų globos namų aukletinių pozityvios socializacijos teritorinėje bendruomenėje galimybės
Author(s) | |
Masaitytė, Ramunė | Kauno technologijos universitetas |
Lucilijus |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Straipsnyje, remiantis teorinemis pozityvios socializacijos galimybip teritorineje bendruomeneje nuostatomis, bendruomeneje egzistuojanciais zmogiskaisiais istekliais, atskleistas vaikp globos namp (toliau VGN) socialinip pedagogp poziuris j teritorines bendruomenes, kurioje jsikrnp vaikp globos namai, ugdytinip integracijos, kaip pozityvios socializacijos galimybes bei trukdziai, aptariama bendruomenes, kaip individo pozityvios socializacijos veiksnio, samprata, parodomi VGN ugdytinip, kaip rizikos vaikp socializacijos ir adaptacijos, pakliuvus j svetimp aplinkp, sunkumai. Straipsnyje pristatomas socialinip pedagogp poziuris j VGN ugdytinip santykj su teritorines bendruomenes vaikais, patiriamp diskriminacijp del socialinio naslaicio statuso, socialin^ atskirtj, psichologinj smurtp, patycias. Socialinip pedagogp apklausa parode, jog VGN ugdytiniai kvalifikuojami kaip rizikos vaikai, turi daug adaptacijos, psichologinip, edukacinio pobudzio sunkump, pasizymi agresyviu elgesiu, uzdarumu, socialinip jgudzip stoka, o tai trukdo jp pozityviai socializacijai. Remiantis atliktu tyrimu autores pastebi, kad vietos bendruomene j VGN ugdytinius zvelgia atsainiai, su jtarumu, seimos nenoriai bendrauja. Tyrimas parode, kad VGN socialiniai pedagogai neaktyvus bendruomenes veikejai, kadangi sav^s neidentifikuoja su ta teritorija, todel nera geras pavyzdys vaikp aktyvesnei veiklai bendruomeneje.
Referring to theoretical approaches of the possibilities for positive socialization in the territorial community, human resources existing in the community, the viewpoint of social pedagogues of child care homes towards possibilities and interferences for learners’ integration as positive socialization into the territorial community, in which the child care homes are located. The article discusses the conception of the community as the factor for individual’s positive socialization; the difficulties of risk children’s socialization and adaptation when in the alien environment are disclosed and presents the performed research. The article presents social pedagogues’ viewpoint towards the relationship of the learners from the child care homes with the children from the territorial community, the experienced discrimination due to the social status of an orphan, social exclusion, psychological violence, bullying. The interview with the social pedagogues disclosed that the learners at the child care homes are qualified as risk children, they faced a lot of difficulties of adaptation, psychological and educational character problems; they distinguish in aggressive behaviour, insularity, the lack of social skills and this interferes with their positive socialization. Referring to the performed research, the authors note that the local community treats the learners of the child care homes casually, with suspicion families unwillingly communicate. The research showed that the social pedagogues of the child care homes were inactive members of the community because they did not identify themselves with that territory. Thus they are not the good example for more active performance of the children in the community.