Cyber security in young democracies
Harašta, Jakub | Masaryk University |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
This is a rather sensitive topic, due to the totalitarian past of both countries. In the fourth part, the author describes the current stateof- art of the cyber security, mainly approaching the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany as countries well-established within the field of cyber security. Estonia, as another small state, is also taken into consideration, providing their very mature legislation and approach toward the cyber security that may act as a role model for Lithuania and the Czech Republic. Part of the paper is also reserved for the comparison between approaches of Lithuania and the Czech Republic, because despite being part of the EU/NATO political background and target of the currently proposed cyber security Directive, there are still differences present due to the national character of the cyber security. This contribution is not intended to be exhaustive and overwhelming source of answers, but rather as the approach to the future while taking into consideration both the present and the past. Main findings could be summarised in the following way: (1) the legislation in Lithuania and the Czech Republic is not as mature as it could be; (2) Lithuania approaches this issue rather more seriously compared to the Czech Republic, given the geographical proximity to Estonia and the 2008 cyber incident as evidenced, for example, by its participation within the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence; (3) public in both Lithuania and the Czech Republic seems to slowly understand the danger of the cyber insecurity, but it also approaches it carefully due to the totalitarian past; (4) cyber security in both countries is insufficient, but given the totalitarian past, the legislators should probably focus more on ensuring the cooperation of public and corporate/private sectors rather than imposing new legal obligations.
Ir Čekijos Respublika, ir Lietuva yra jaunos demokratijos, patyrusios esminius socialinius, teisinius ir politinius pokyčius devintajame dešimtmetyje, kai vyko jų virsmas moderniomis demokratinėmis valstybėmis. Kibernetinio saugumo užtikrinimas išlieka vienu iš šių valstybių tikslų, nes totalitarinis valdymas praeityje ir vėluojanti politinė evoliucija persekioja jų dabarties ir ateityje numatomą vystymąsi.