Pedagogų gebėjimo apdoroti informaciją svarba kuriant žinių visuomenę
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas | |
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas |
Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas |
This paper presents discussion the peculiarities of information treatment of secondary school teachers and Vilnius Pedagogical University students of different faculties. The investigation revealed, that respondents, who have more experienced organisers work more constantly and methodologically, and for reading allot approximately 7-9 hours per week. AH recommended material is read by 88,9 per cent of secondary school teachers and by 39,7 per cent of students. It was revealed, that previously reading personal aim of reading form 40,7 per cent of teachers and 27,4 per cent of students. Teachers who read recommended sources of information the necessa¬ry data mark information more frequently. 15,5 per cent of students assert, that they read mate¬rial irresponsibly. The investigation enabled to assume, that students often lack skills of ability to process information. Often they do not form personal aim for reading and do not review the contents of the information source. Thus, all lecturers should develop these skills. Teachers should be able not only to obtain necessary information, but to teach pupils how to collect and process necessary information.