Проблемы социальной защиты сотрудников полиции Литвы
Latvijas Policijas akadēmija |
Date Issued |
2005 |
The article deals with police officers' rights to the main social guarantees such as salary and other payments and the problems of their realization in practice. The investigations have been performed on the grounds of acts of law, analytical and statistical facts from Police department offices. After carrying out the research the following conclusions can be made: 1. Differences of system of salary of police officers regulated by acts of law from the analogous system based on a labour contract suppose exclusive status of statutory employees in 'the sphere of labour relations. When comparing the acts of law which define the salary of police officers with the regulations of labour code it turns out that in some cases the rights of employees who work according to labour contracts are more ensured and protected by laws than those of internal service officers. These circumstances may form the prerequisites for police officers distorted evaluation of their social status in the labour market and social conflicts occurrence. 2. The analysis of salary of police officers regulated by acts of law has revealed the fact that the salary of police officers as a category of the main social guarantees is not exceptional: 1) the computation formula of officer salary supposes a great differentiation of salaries which draws a broad divide between the officers getting the lowest and highest salary. 2) limitations applied to the premiums and extras of the officer salary do not allow all the officers to get full salary for their length of service, rank, qualification category and extra work. 3) government's right to set the minimal salary and regulate its size minifies the opportunities of realization of the aims of State Service Law.