Selected methods of brand valuation as a corporate performance metrics
Date Issued |
2014 |
În culegerea de faţă sunt incluse comunicările participanților la Conferința Internațională Științifică desfășurată în cadrul Universității „Perspectiva - INT”, cu tema „Dezvoltarea învățământului superior, a societății democratice şi economiei de piaţă în context european. Ediţia II”, 16 – 17 aprilie 2014
The aim of the article is to reveal selected methods of brand valuation as a corporate performance metrics which impacts company value. First part of article describes the brand value and its importance for consumers as a brand health indicator and for companies or investors as a corporate performance metrics. Second part focuses on selected brand valuation methods that becomes the main metric to forecast increasing consumer power, accelerated social media, marketing promotions companies, increasing brand performance in sales, and also brand’s health compared to that of competitors and over time. This article focuses on comparing different brand valuation methods. The article was prepared by using comparative analysis of scientific literature, case study, experts’ interview and the author insights on this topic.