The boundaries of intellectual property valuation: cost, market, income based approaches and innovation turnover
Lopes, Ilídio Tomás | Polytechnic Institute of Santarém |
Date Issued |
2011 |
Originality—An overview is provided concerning innovation expenditures and its contribution to the intellectual property standards. Discovering and learning about intellectual property can reflect the companies and nations adaptive capacity, both internally and externally. However, the goal set out in the Lisbon’s strategy for 2010, is not aligned with the year-to-date innovation turnover rates. Findings—Given the strong intensity and consistency in allocating resources (and their spillovers), to invest in R&D stands for the most intensive step towards an integrated intellectual property scorecard reporting. The income based approach is the one that better matches the true return of innovation. At a macroeconomic level, Europe is still driving innovation through an idiosyncratic policy on the way to a theoretical convergence and tenuous innovation turnover standard.
Atsižvelgiant į išteklių (ir jų pertekliaus) paskirstymo intensyvumą ir darną, investavimas į tyrimus ir plėtrą yra integruotos intelektinės nuosavybės apskaitos intensyviausias kūrimo žingsnis. Pajamomis paremtas požiūris - vienas tų, kuris geriausiai atspinti tikrąją inovacijų grąžą. Makroekonominiu lygmeniu, Europoje inovacijos vis dar vystomos remiantis išskirtine politika teorinės konvergencijos ir inovacijų apyvartos stiprinimo standartų srityje.