Подготовка кадров как условие совершенствования борьбы с преступностью
Author(s) | |
Бахин, Владимир | Национальная академия внутренних дел Украины |
Карпов, Никифор | Национальная академия внутренних дел Украины |
Карпов, Александр | НЦБ Интерпол в Украине |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
Rusijos tyrinėtojų duomenys rodo, kad daugiau nei pusė aukštųjų VRM mokymo įstaigų absolventų neketina ateityje dirbti šioje sistemoje. Tai reiškia, jog specializuotos mokymo įstaigos moko ne tuos, kuriuos reikėtų, ir dirba neefektyviai. Atsijojimo mokymosi metu mūsų šalies aukštojo mokslo sistemoje faktiškai nėra -97-98 proc. įstojusiųjų studijuoti įgyja aukštojo mokslo diplomus. Keliant juridinių kadrų rengimo lygį ir kokybę būtina: pirma, valstybei ir jos struktūroms norėti (ne žodžiais) kokybiškai pakeisti juridinių kadrų, taip pat ir teisėsaugos srityje, rengimo sistemą; antra, kelti švietimo lygį didinant mokymosi interesą, kuris skatinamas vykdant kokybinę atranką ir rengiant konkursą mokymosi metu; trečia, skatinti teisininkus ieškoti, rengti ir diegti dėstymo tobulinimo priemones.
The motivation developed by the awareness of competition can be distinguished into two types: a) tough selection procedure on entering education institution; and b) screening during education process according to "anti-results". However, these two above-mentioned aspects are hardly fulfilled in our reality due to our mentality, relations and, in essence, due to our attitude towards life and its values. According to the results of research conducted by Russian scientists, more than a half of all graduates from education institutions of Ministry of Internal Affairs do not have any intention to work the filed studied. Consequently, specialized education institutions train wrong audience and thus function ineffectively. Furthermore, screening procedure indeed does not exist in our country because even 97-98 % of all students that enter education institutions get their diplomas. In order to improve the level and quality of qualification of legal personnel training, firstly, a reform of education system of high quality should be carried out by the state and its structures; secondly, education level should be raised by development of motivation to study by qualitative selection procedure and competition during studies; thirdly, lawyers should be encouraged to look for, to prepare and fulfill effective measures of training improvement.