Eksperimentinių pavyzdžių ruošimas rašysenos objektų tyrimui
Handwriting examination is one of the most appointed in Lithuania at present. The aim of this examination is to investigate handwriting and signatures for the identification person, which wrote text and signed and for the determination valid case circumstances. In handwriting examination everyone tries to look for methods, that would help the expert to determine more indications for making sure of authenticity or forgery of handwriting and signature. But at present time handwriting experts are interest not only with the totality of research objects and comparative material in investigation of documents. Submit comparative material put experts some trouble at present. Qualitative comparative material ensures almost hundred per cent obtaining of positive or negative opinion of examination (if investigating object is suited for person’s identification). Methods and modes of presentation of comparative material – especially experimental samples of handwriting and signatures – are discussed in this article. In Forensic Science Centre of Lithuania not only methods of objects research are founded. Methodical, informational work is carried out in the area of presentation of comparative material. Supplemental methodical recommendations „Handwriting and authorship examinations (appointment and preparation of material)“ are published and experts deliver lectures for judges, prosecutors and researchers. But this problem isn’t solved by these means in the meanwhile. Comparative material of handwriting examination consists from: fluent, conditionally fluent and experimental samples of handwriting and signatures. Fluent samples of handwriting and signatures are found in documents that have been wrote till the bringing of criminal action (this is various notes, letters, applications, requests, entries in repayment books and other documents). Fluent samples of handwriting and signatures are seized in seizures, searches and accused must produce its on the demand. Conditionally fluent samples of handwriting and signatures appear in case documents, records of interrogation, search, confrontation, statements and applications for courts, actions and summons. Experimental samples of handwriting are needed for the reason that expert could compare not only coincidences and disparities of separate elements of letters and numbers but combinations of letters, peculiarities of writing of words and linking of numbers. Expert evaluates text location in the page (particularly in researching letters, notes, documents wrote not on forms), character of signatures, row lines and the location of signature on document in experimental samples. Experimental samples are valuable for that reason that its origin, reality are beyond any doubt and its prepare for specific examination and for concrete investigation of documents. On this samples we can observe writing process, to correct it partly and to receive manuscripts that would correspond to object of investigation by text content, language, type, writing character ant conditions. Scientists N. Radvila, A. Vaitkevièius, E. Seling, J. Safèin, K. Klüter, R. Saudek, R. Werner, J. Lafontan, Z. Czeczot, M. Hecker experimental and research works on preparation of comparative material are reviewed in this article. In the fourth section of this article methodical recommendations how to prepare, to collect and to present experimental samples of handwriting and signatures for handwriting examination are describ
Straipsnyje aprašomos lyginamosios medžiagos rašysenos ekspertizei pateikimo problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai. Daug dėmesio skirta eksperimentinių rašysenos ir parašų pavyzdžių ruošimo klau- simams, apžvelgta eksperimentinių rašysenos ir parašų pavyzdžių ėmimo tyrimų raida Lietuvoje ir už- sienyje. Straipsnio pabaigoje pateikti pasiūlymai, kaip pagerinti rašysenos ekspertizės kokybiškumą bendradarbiaujant su kitomis LR įstaigomis.