Kai kurie subsidiarumo ir teisinio personalizmo santykio aspektai (1)
Author(s) | |
Kondratienė, Virginija | Kazimiero Simonavičiaus universitetas |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Straipsnyje analizuojama subsidiarumo principo samprata, jo formavimosi raida, metodologinė reikšmė teisniam reguliavimui. Subsidiarumas siejamas su pagrindinėmis jo idėjomis: asmens pirmumu valstybės ir kitų socialinių darinių atžvilgiu, asmens teisių prigimtiškumu, privačių ir bendrųjų interesų derinimu, asmens iniciatyvų skatinimu, valstybės paramos asmeniui diferencijavimu ir kitomis idėjomis, kurios toliau konkretinamos ir plėtojamos teisinio personalizmo idėjomis.
In the Middle Ages and recent times, it has been seen as a legal regulatory approach to support the public initiatives of society’s members within the state (autonomous derivatives activity), and to help those unable to take care of themselves. In Catholic social doctrine, subsidiarity has been enhanced by the recognition of naturality of human rights, as well as by calling the state to act towards social harmony in the society, to overcome social tensions neither by revolutions nor wars, but by agreements and social reforms. In the area of implementation of personal rights, the principle of subsidiarity is further developed and concretised by the legal personalism, which provides opportunities for specifying both the concepts of justice and solidarity, as well as their interactions. Doing this, legal personalism prescribes two features of solidarity (as state aid to person): 1) support for a person to acquire and maintain the ability to perform his duties and thus participate in exchange relations, and ground those relations on justice that is built by the participants of the relationship together, 2) public support for a person that temporarily or permanently lost the ability to perform his duties in terms of unaided self-regard. The goal of both these functions is to develop and maintain social stability of public and legal order.