Nacionalinis teisinis diskursas dėl administracinio proceso
Date Issued |
2006 |
Straipsnis skirtas kai kurioms Lietuvos administracinio proceso problemoms ir galimiems jų sprendimo būdams aptarti. Pateikiami pasiūlymai, diskutuojama nacionalinio administracinio proceso klausimais. Autoriai stengiasi atskleisti teismo, kaip centrinės proceso figūros, vaidmenį nagrinėjant administracines bylas. Analizuojamos teismo aktyvumą lemiančios priežastys ir tokio aktyvumo ribos, aptariamas teismo santykis su byloje dalyvaujančiais asmenimis, jų procesinių teisių ir pareigų pasiskirstymas. Atsižvelgdami į nacionalinio administracinio proceso plėtrą autoriai siūlo įtvirtinti teismo ir proceso šalių bendradarbiavimo principą. Kartu nagrinėjamos šio principo išraiškos galimybės: teismo pareiga su šalimis apsvarstyti bylą faktiniu ir teisiniu aspektais, procesinių staigmenų draudimas, taikiu susitarimu skatinimas ir kt.
The article is intended for discussing some of the problems, which exist in the present Lithuanian administrative process and for suggesting possible solutions of such problems. The main attention is paid to the role of the judge as the central figure of the process in which administrative cases are heard. Whereas the applicable Law on Administrative Proceedings of the Republic of Lithuania does not provide an answer to such important questions as the possibility for the judge to overstep the boundaries of the complaint or to base a judgment on circumstances, which had not been indicated by the parties, etc., the Lithuanian judicial practice of solving such problems is discussed. A conclusion based on the practice of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania is made in the article that Lithuanian administrative court judges must take up a more active role in the proceedings and should not restrict themselves solely to the functions of an assessor of the arguments and proof presented to him or her. However, an active role of the judge by no means should constitute his or her duty to raise versions and prove or disprove them in order to determine whether certain additional circumstances, which had not been indicated by the parties, and which might have an impact on the question of the legality of the contested administrative act, exist, if the entirety of the circumstances, which had been indicated, does not presuppose such a possibility. The reasons predetermining the activeness of the court and the scope of such activeness, the relation between the judge and the parties participating in the case is discussed, as well as the apportionment of their rights and duties.