Challenges in teaching and learning listening skills in English for specific purposes
Listening has been a neglected skill and left to a secondary position after speaking and writing in spite of being most needed ability in everyday life. Skills of listening need to be taught/learnt like other language skills. This study examines the challenges faced by teachers and learners in developing listening skills. A survey of learners' self-assessment and tests of ongoing performance in listening comprehension have been employed. The participants were the full-time students learning professional English on a tertiary level. The data on self-assessment give insights into learners' difficulties in perfecting listening skills. The testing results are compared with learners' perceptions of challenges in listening practice. Expedient recommendations for good practice of teaching/learning effective listening skills in English for Specific Pur-poses have been offered with the reference to research data. Suggested hints have proved beneficial to the learners at a tertiary level.