Tarptautinės teisės šaltiniai
Date Issued |
2012 |
Stream A "Justice, Security and Human Rights"
Susiformavus tarptautinėje teisėje jus cogens normų koncepcijai, neretai keliamas klausimas dėl šių normų vietos tarptautinės teisės sistemoje. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas jus cogens normų klausimas tarptautinės teisės šaltinių hierarchijos kontekste.
In the opinion of the majority of authors, according to the analyzis of the doctrine of international law, the hierarchy of sources of international law does not exist. International law is a system of law of a coordinative nature, thus international law does not entrench the hierarchy of international law acts. Although it is claimed in the analyzed literature that international treaties are the main sources of international law, this does not mean that international treaties have a higher normative power than international customs. Regarding the concept of jus cogens norms in international law, often the question is raised on the place of these norms in the system of international law. The paper analyzes the issue of jus cogens norms in the context of the hierarchy of sources of international law.