Profiles of autonomy support, structure and relatedness and links to students' engagement
Date Issued |
2017 |
With current study that is based on Self-determination theory, we aimed to verify how profiles of basic psychological needs’ supportive behavior are related to students’ behavior, emotional, cognitive, and agentic school engagement. Participants and procedure. The data was drawn from the first available wave of ongoing longitudinal research “Towards effective teaching: Dynamic interaction between teachers’ instructional behavior and students’ basic psychological needs satisfaction (DoIT)”. Participants were 680 students, 49% girls , age mean 16.16 years (SD = .91). Measures. Autonomy supportive teachers’ behavior was assessed with items by Assor et al. (2002) and 1 item from Learning Climate Questionnaire, (LCQ; Williams et al., 1996). Clear expectations (Vansteenkiste et al., 2012) were indicators of competence support. Teachers involvement subscale from TASCQ (Belmont, Skinner, Wellborn, & Connell, 1988) was an indicator of relatedness support. Four types of engagement were evaluated: behavior, emotional, cognitive, and agentic. Results. Latent Profile Analysis showed that the three-class model was selected as the best fit to the data. First cluster (represented 53% of the sample)can be characterized by moderate levels of all three kinds of perceived need supportive behavior, and represented three kinds of perceived need supportive behavior. Second cluster showed high levels of all three kinds of perceived need supportive behavior and represented 39% of the sample. Third cluster showed low levels of all three kinds of perceived need supportive behavior and represented 5% of the sample. ANOVA was used to compare scores of four types of engagement among the three groups of constellations of teachers‘ behavior. A Tukey post hoc test revealed that levels of all kinds of engagement were lower in profile of low level of need supportive teachers‘ behavior.
Veiksmingo mokymo(si) paieška: skirtingų mokymo būdų ir mokinių esminių psichologinių poreikių tenkinimo sąveikos dinamika (DoIT) |
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