Guerilla marketing strategy realization assumptions
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2010 |
During the last decade the e.govenment projects became extremely demanded. The article describes the results of the development e.government methodology used for the Lithuania based on the project „E-government to Citizens: Guidelines for the Development of Lithuania Using Foresight Methodology” (The Reseach Project was financed by Lithuanian Science Foundation). This study seeks to theoretically and practically cover all the issues of e-government, concentrating the most important knowledge about e-government as an intergrated object of research. The European landscape in terms of eGovernment methodologies shows that there are still no common opinion on Interoperability benefit, which is divided according features (cost, time, etc.) and beneficiaries (administration, business, citizens). In a frame of the project the experimental research tested by different methods and focus groups to create data base and expert group clusters and foresight development methodology issues applied for Lithuania.