Skaitmeninės atskirties Lietuvos Respublikos regionuose analizė
Author(s) |
Žilinskas, Gintaras |
Date Issued |
2013-11-22 |
Straipsnio tikslas – ištirti skaitmeninę atskirtį tarp Lietuvos Respublikos regionų (apskričių) ir pateikti indeksą, pagal kurį būtų galima nustatyti regionų atskirties nuo aukščiausio iki žemiausio eiliškumą. Straipsnyje skaitmeninė atskirtis apibrėžiama kaip atotrūkis, kuris egzistuoja tarp tų, kurie turi prieigą prie informacijos, informacinių ir ryšių technologijų (toliau – IRT), jų įrenginių, ir tų, kurie tokio priėjimo neturi. Autorius, analizuodamas skaitmeninės atskirties sampratą, sudaro LR regionų skaitmeninės atskirties reitingą ir įvertina regioninės politikos ryšį su skaitmeninės atskirties mažinimu. Vertinant skaitmeninę atskirtį LR regionuose, naudojami Lietuvos statistikos departamento duomenys apie IRT namų ūkiuose ir apie asmenis, kurie jomis naudojasi.
The aim of the article is to investigate digital divide between regions (counties) of the Republic of Lithuania. The main problem solving in this article is digital divide which exists between regions of the Republic of Lithuania. Therefore it is important to measure digital divide in different regions by creating an index and ranking regions of the Republic of Lithuania according it. It is analyzed conception of digital divide, created rank of digital divide in regions of the Republic of Lithuania and found a relation between regional policy and reduction of digital divide. Digital divide is defined as a gap, which exists between those, who have access to information, ICT and its devices and those, who have not. Regional statistics about information technologies of 10 regions (counties) of the Republic Lithuania were used from Lithuanian Statistics Government. Amount of digital divide in regions of the Republic of Lithuania was found after analysis of 8 variables and calculation of index. The biggest difference is apparent between county of Vilnius and county of Tauragė. The supreme progress is observed in counties, which centres are the biggest Lithuanian cities (Vilnius, Klaipėda, and Kaunas). County of Panevėžys also has a positive index. Index of other six counties is negative. The importance of rank of digital divide in the regions of the Republic of Lithuania in forming regional policy in the area of ICT development is shown in the article.