Socialinių pedagoginių problemų bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje analizė: mokinių ir klasių auklėtojų požiūris
Author(s) | |
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas |
Date Issued |
2007 |
In terms of gender, boys comprised 53 % of respondents and girls 47 %. Regarding progressiveness, 45% of respondents considered their learning results as satisfactory, 41 % as good and 7 % of respondents considered their learning results either very good or very bad. The generalised results of the survey revealed the following key social-pedagogic problems in comprehensive schools: non-attendance at school, reluctance to learn, improper behavior of pupils, overwork. It was determined diat die above problems were growing with die increasing age of pupils. For girls all social-pedagogic problems are more relevant than for the boys (except overwork); less progressive pupils have more problems related to learning motivation and behavior; problems related to conflicts between pupils and teachers and improper behavior were more relevant for pupils of rural schools; pupils of city schools indicated die problem of overwork as one of the most acute problems; pupils, experiencing emotional violence in families, conflicts widi parents or difficult living conditions, highlighted such problems as non-attendance at school, learning motivation and behavior; checking of attendance and interest in a pupil's learning results depends on his / her progressiveness - the lower progressiveness of a pupil, die more parents are inclined to control him / her; the pupils who feel safe, are self-confident, rely on teachers, are satisfied with their needs fulfillment and are less exposed to such problems as non-attendance, conflicts, learning motivation and violence. Therefore, when dealing with die most acute social- pedagogic problems of school community it is necessary to take into account not only the nature of a problem, but also the place of residence, age, gender of pupils, as well as situation in die family, sense of safety at school, fulfillment of needs and self-confidence of pupils.