Tyčios ir nepakaltinamumo santykis: lyginamasis aspektas
Date Issued |
2007 |
Straipsnyje pasitelkiant analizės, lyginamąjį ir apibendrinimo metodus nagrinėjamas tyčios ir nepakaltinamumo santykis, analizuojamas nepakaltinamo asmens padarytos nusikalstamos veikos teisinio vertinimo klausimas. Teigiama, kad nepakaltinamas asmuo gali veikti tyčia ir suvokti savo veiksmų neteisėtumą. Tokia mintis grindžiama Lietuvos ir Vokietijos baudžiamųjų įstatymų ir baudžiamosios teisės doktrinos analize ir lyginimu. Daroma išvada, kad, nesvarbu, koks, intelektualinis ar valinis momentas, daromoje veikoje buvo pažeistas, nepakaltinamo asmens padaryta veika gali būti pripažinta padaryta tyčia.
The article deals whit relation of intention and insanity, analysing question can mentaly ill person to be responsible for commiting a crime intentionally. The author states that mentaly ill person is able to commit a crime intentionally and act with the knowledge of wrongfulness of his actions. This point is based on analysis of theory of Lithuanian and German criminal law. The author states that in those cases when the crime is commited by the person who was mentally ill and couldn‘t realize that his actions were dangerous and unwarranted, the person can‘t be responisible for intentional crime. In other cases when the person realises the dengerousness of his actions and the unwarranted result is his aim but he is not able to control himself because of mental illness, we can point that he acted intentionally but can be excused by the court.