Problems while implementing quality management systems for a sustainable development of organizations
Date Issued |
2012 |
To have more benefits from the ISO 9000 quality system, organizations may take into consideration that design and implementation of an organization’s quality management system is influenced by its strategy, size and structure, its organizational environment, changes in the environment, and risks related to the environment Literature indicates that organizations often lack flexibility designing and implementing quality management systems and demonstrate low use of employees skills and knowledge. The paper analyzes different patterns of implementing quality management systems in different organizations and examines performance outcomes related to it. Research shows that organizations with different quality management system implementation patterns have significantly different performance outcomes. A mature quality management system should consider success factors for quality management system implementation benefits from the early phases of their planning and designing processes. By requiring that all processes and procedures be documented, the ISO 9000 standard is undoubtedly commonly related to control orientation and explicit knowledge orientation in organizations. There is an interesting relationship between the reasons for the ISO 9001 quality management systems implementation and the corresponding performance outcomes. It is very important to modify maintenance of a quality management system during the post-certification period. Quality auditors are in a powerful position to increase the value of quality management systems.
Atitinkančios tarptautinius ISO 9000 standartus kokybės vadybos sistemos padeda organizacijoms įgyti pasitikėjimą tarp vartotojų, partnerių ir rinkos dalyvių, todėl jų populiarumas pasaulyje nuolat didėja. Tarptautiniai kokybės vadybos sistemų standartai ISO 9000 vis plačiau taikomi ir Lietuvoje. Iki 2012m. rugpjūčio mėn. pabaigos pagal IS0 9001:2008 standartą privačiame ir viešajame sektoriuose buvo sertifikuota 1218 organizacijų. Nepaisant ISO 9000 standartų populiarumo, pasitaiko nemažai atvejų, kai kokybės vadybos sistemos diegimas ir sertifikavimas neatneša organizacijai laukiamos naudos. Literatūros analizė rodo, kad organizacijos projektuodamos ir diegdamos kokybės vadybos sistemas dažnai stokoja lankstumo, ne iki galo išnaudojamos darbuotojų žinios ir įgūdžiai [...]