Kompleksinės pagalbos modelio įgyvendinimo patirtis teikiant pagalbą vaikui
Date Issued |
2018 |
CC BY-SA. All works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Straipsnyje analizuojamos pedagogų patirtys įgyvendinant kompleksinės pagalbos vaikui modelį. Nustatyta, kad modelio įgyvendinimas lemia pokyčius mokyklos bendruomenėje, kurie turi tiesioginės įtakos vaiko elgsenos, mokymosi motyvacijos kaitai. Darytina prielaida, kad šiems pokyčiams atsirasti didelę įtaką turėjo vaikų, tėvų, mokytojų ir kitų suinteresuotų pagalbos institucijų bendrų veiksmų koordinavimas, pagalbos vaikui individualizavimas ir atsakomybių už konkretaus atvejo vadybą asmens numatymas.
The article analyses the pedagogues’ experience in applying the model of integrated assistance to the child in school. The research involved 15 teachers responsible for coordination of the assistance to a specific child; the teachers represented three Lithuanian schools which have implemented the developed model. The pedagogues, as case coordinators, recorded the experience of implementation of the integrated assistance model in schools in their reflections. They’ve written down the reflections once per week in the form of a semi-structural electronic pedagogical diary. According to the analysis of the research data, in applying the integrated assistance model one of the major changes is the change in the learning motivation. The changes in learning motivation are related to changes in pupils’ learning outcomes, their involvement in the learning process, and school attendance. Pursuant to the research, self-esteem building is especially important for personality changes in children, and this ensured the increase of self-confidence. Improved relations between the child and his/her family and between the teachers and pupils were noticed in the relationship with the others. It is to be assumed that coordination of common actions of children, parents, teachers and other concerned assistance institutions had impact on the occurrence of these changes, as well as individualization of the assistance and anticipation of personal responsibility for a specific case management.