Trečiųjų asmenų teisės į neturtinės žalos atlyginimą sutrikdžius nukentėjusiojo sveikatą arba atėmus gyvybę
Date Issued |
2007 |
Be to, įvertinus neturtinės žalos atlyginimo tretiesiems asmenims tikslus, neturtinės žalos atlyginimas sunkaus sveikatos sužalojimo ar gyvybės atėmimo atveju turėtų būti pateisinamas tretiesiems asmenims, susijusiems su nukentėjusiuoju artimais šeimos santykiais, už jų patirtus itin didelius dvasinius išgyvenimus, neatsižvelgiant į tai, kad žala jų sveikatai pagal CK 6.283 straipsnį nepadaryta, jei nukentėjusiojo sveikata sužalojama ar gyvybė atimama tyčia ar dėl didelio neatsargumo.
Nevertheless, sufficiently effective legal decision on this issue can be made by the way of systematic interpretation and application of specific rules of the Civil Code regulating tort law as well as identifying the purposes of such rules through leading values of the contemporary society established in the Constitute of Lithuania. Accordingly, the right of the third party to claim for nonpecuniary damages shall be protected by article 6.283 of CC, if the pain and suffering of the third person in non-fatal or fatal injury cases can be considered as injury to health. Also, taking into account the satisfaction (or restoration of social justice and balance of interests) as the main purpose of rewarding non-pecuniary damages in such cases, a right of the third person to claim for non-pecuniary damages for their extremely deep pain and suffering shall be justified if damages was caused in gross negligence and intent. While deciding whether to award damages or not to the third person (near relative) specific case, it is also necessary to identify the factors determining the scope of civil liability, i.e. causation; fault of defendant; determined group of the third persons who have a right to claim for non-pecuniary damages, etc.