Studentų (vaikinų ir merginų) požiūris į kūno kultūros dėstytoją
Lietuvos sporto universitetas | ||
Ivaškienė, Vida | Lietuvos sporto universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad studentams pačios svarbiausios kūno kultūros dėstytojo savybės yra draugiškumas, išmanymas apie savo dėstomą dalyką, turėjimas humoro jausmą ir gerą fizinę išvaizdą (p = 0,000), o labiausiai nepatinka, kai dėstytojas reikalauja normatyvų išpildymo ir vartoja įžeidžiančias pastabas (p = 0,000).
The aim of this research is to establish students’ (male and female) attitude towards physical education teacher. The tasks of research: 1. To evaluate the students' opinion about the positive characteristics of physical education teacher. 2. To evaluate the students' opinion about the negative characteristics of physical education teacher. Written survey method (questionnaire) was applied to the research in order to identify and assess variables. Students' approach to physical education teachers’ features were assessed by the set of questions, asking about the teacher during physical education classes. Empirical research was carried out in 2009 during the spring semester. Sample volume was made of the group of representative students selected by practical selection from higher education institutions (MRU, VU, VDU, KTU, LSMU). The 491 students were involved in this study (362 female and 129 male). Students were selected by practical selection, i. e. interviewed taking into consideration their academic schedule and the opportunities given by administration. The survey followed the ethical and legal research principles. All study participants were informed about the objective of the research. The anonymity was guaranteed. It was emphasized that participation in the study is not obligatory. Students were asked to answer the questions honestly. The students present their answers in written form, individually. Conclusions. The research showed, that students find these important positive physical education teacher characteristics: friendliness, knowledge about the subject they teach, sense of humor and good physical appearance (p = 0.000), students emphasized negative teachers characteristics when the teacher requirement of standards fulfillment and usage insulter remarks (p = 0.000).