Klaipėdos miesto valdymo decentralizavimo tikslingumo vertinimas
Paulauskas, Aleksandras |
Paulauskas, Stasys |
Bražulionienė, Silva |
The article presents survey of research conducted on the behalf of Klaipeda city municipality, which had to evaluate expediency of municipality governance decentralisation by establishing new neighbourhoods. The conclusions were made on the base of results of representative pool of 250 inhabitants of Klaipeda city and 23 experts. The research showed that legal regulations provide possibilities for city governance decentralisation by establishing new neighbourhoods, but satisfactory administrative and financial self-government means for that are not established. Inhabitants and experts positively evaluated activity of Klaipeda city municipality by deciding deals related to city development and improving living surround. Majority of respondents did not welcome establishment of new neighbourhoods. At same time, they sustained formation of institute of representatives of living societies and improving their impact to government of the city.
Remiantis naujadaros bendrovės „Eksponentė“ atlikto tyrimo medžiaga, straipsnyje analizuojamas Klaipėdos miesto valdymo decentralizavimo steigiant naujas seniūnijas tikslingumas. Apžvelgus valdymo decentralizavimo metodologinius principus ir teisės aktus bei kitų Lietuvos miestų patyrimą, įvertintas Klaipėdos miesto valdymo decentralizavimo steigiant seniūnijas poreikis ir parengtos atitinkamos rekomendacijos, kurios buvo priimtos Klaipėdos miesto taryboje.