Organizacijos palaikymas nusižudžius bendradarbiui
Author(s) |
Adomaitytė, Gerda |
Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, Vilmantė |
Date Issued |
2020 |
Savižudybė yra viena dažniausių darbingo amžiaus asmenų mirties priežasčių. Nusižudžius bendradarbiui, darbuotojų savijauta, emocinė būklė ir neretai darbo produktyvumas pablogėja. Todėl labai svarbu, kad organizacija šiuo sunkiu periodu suteiktų darbuotojams palaikymą. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama, kokios postvencinės palaikymo priemonės yra taikomos ir kas jas suteikia organizacijoje. Empirinio tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad Lietuvoje organizacijos dažniausiai naudoja tik būtinąsias palaikymo priemones, tokias kaip dalyvavimas laidotuvėse ar velionio pagerbimas, tačiau nesiima papildomų priemonių, kurios palengvintų darbuotojų gedėjimą.
Relevance. Suicide is one of the most common causes of death among working age people. When a co-worker commits a suicide, mental wellbeing, emotional state and work productivity of employees declines. Moreover, an organization faces both moral damages and material losses. Therefore, after a suicide of the co-worker it is very important for the organization to ensure appropriate support mechanisms for employees during this difficult period. However, the majority of research is targeted to support for relatives of a person who committed suicide rather than organizational support for employees coping with the death of a co-worker. Moreover, there is no enough information how the organization should act, communicate and what kind of support provide to the rest of the employees in such kind of a case. Consequently, measures that are applied after death of an employee and supporters are analysed in this work. Research object – organizational support measures after a suicide of a co-worker. Research goal is to disclose organizational support measured after a suicide of a co-worker. Research methodology. In order to achieve research goal quantitative data was collected. A quantitative research with questionnaire online was used. The questionnaire was filled-in by 413 respondents. The main results. Results revealed that every sixth respondent had encountered with a co-workers suicide and it had an influence on their emotional well-being and work quality. Survey indicated that organizations use only the essential measures such as participation in funerals or honouring the person after death the most in Lithuania. However, additional measures, which would help to alleviate grieving are not applied. Based on analysis of scientific literature, it was identified types of supporters in organization: an organizational support, support of the supervisor, co-workers and mentor. The results showed that 29 percent of respondents received support from co-workers, 19 percent from their families and more than 14 percent from their supervisor. However, ten percent of respondents got none support from anybody.