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Annotation Scheme and Evaluation: The Case of OFFENSIVE Language
Type of publication
Tezės kitame recenzuojamame leidinyje / Theses in other peer-reviewed publication (T1e)
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara | State University of Applied Sciences in Konin |
Žitnik, Slavko | University of Ljubljana |
Liebeskind, Chaya | Jerusalem Institute of Technology |
Bączkowska, Anna | University of Gdansk |
Wilson, Paul A. | University of Lodz |
Trojszczak, Marcin | State University of Applied Sciences in Konin |
Brač, Ivana | Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics |
Filipić, Lobel | Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics |
Ostroški Anić, Ana | Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics |
Dontcheva-Navratilova, Olga | Masaryk University |
Borowiak, Agnieszka | State University of Applied Sciences in Konin |
Despot, Kristina | Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics |