Saugios savivaldybės kūrimo Lietuvoje gairės
Date Issued |
2011 |
Straipsnį sudaro du skyriai – pirmasis skirtas apžvelgti saugių bendruomenių sampratą ir jų kūrimo raidą pasaulyje, o antrajame formuojamos saugios savivaldybės kūrimo ir plėtros kryptys su detalizuotomis priemonėmis kiekvienoje kryptyje. Autorė siūlo, kad savivaldybės kūrimo procesą sudarytų keturios kryptys (priemonių grupės): saugumui stiprinti skirtų organizacinių valdymo struktūrų, planavimo sistemos tobulinimas/kūrimas, nesaugumo būklės ir saugios savivaldybės plėtros stebėsenos ir vertinimo sistemos kūrimas ir diegimas, vietos bendruomenės įtraukimas į saugumo stiprinimo veiklą. Saugios savivaldybės kūrimas ir plėtra – kompleksiškas procesas, todėl siekiant realių permainų saugumo stiprinimo srityje vietos lygiu, reikalinga šias priemones diegti integruotai.
Compared with other EU countries, Lithuania takes a stand as a country with a large number of traffic accidents, crimes, injuries, suicide. In order to address these problems rapidly and effectively is required more active contribution of local authorities. The paper aims to propose guidelines for creation and development of safe municipalities in Lithuania. Several methods were applied to achieve this purpose. In order to determine the role of local government in ensuring safety of people, property and environment at the local level a meta-analysis of research reports, the Lithuanian national legislation, strategic planning documents of the state and local government were carried out. Analysis of statistical data, structural analysis, comparative analysis and synthesis methods were used while investigating the areas of safety uncertainty and elaborating means for safe municipality creation and development. The paper consist of two chapters. First part is dedicated to review the concept and the development of safe communities worldwide. In the second chapter basic trends as well as specific means in these trends to improve the safety in Lithuanian municipalities are presented. The author suggests that to create and develop safe municipalities is needed: to create (or improve existing) specific safety oriented organizational structure and planning system, to design an assessment system to monitor and evaluate safety parameters and administrative efforts stimulating safety in municipality, and increase the involvement of local community in safety promotion activities. Carefully planned and consistently completed proposals are likely to lead to sustainable, efficient and effective structures, systems and processes for safe municipality development.