Integrated transformations of e‐health development ‐ the perspective of stakeholder networks
Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited |
ISSN 2049-6834
The aim of the study is to present an ongoing e‐health research project in Lithuania. Healthcare in the meantime is becoming more and more dependent on information and communication technologies (hereafter ‐ ICTs), that are critical for the development of high quality healthcare services. Globalization, the need for cooperation between countries and their healthcare institutions, fast development of science and innovations in various fields, the spread of ICTs and the need for more and better quality healthcare services were among the main reasons for the interest of the researchers in the development of various e‐health projects. Management of the electronic provision of health services ensures wider accessibility and continuity of healthcare services through common access to information data bases of the public sector, such as electronic healthcare records, registers and classifiers. The following scientific and practical questions will be researched in the presented research what makes the process of e‐health development more effective; what role do the stakeholders play in relation to the development and implementation of the e‐health system; what are the main conditions and obstacles for innovations and sustainability in the delivery of healthcare services; what are the main challenges for ehealth development within the short and long term perspectives? As a result, the research project will develop and test an integrated e‐health implementation platform, which will enable the inclusion of all stakeholder groups necessary to be involved in the process of e‐health development and implementation and contributing to the innovation and sustainability in the healthcare system.