Mokytojų kaip sveikatos ugdytojų vaidmuo ir jų patirtys įgyvendinant integruotą sveikatos ugdymą
Česnavičienė, Jūratė | Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas |
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla |
Straipsnyje, remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize, atkreipiamas dėmesys į mokytojų vaidmenį,įgyvendinant integruotą sveikatos ugdymą. Pateikiami kokybinio tyrimo rezultataiatskleidžia, kad mokytojai skirtingai suvokia atsakomybę ir jiems tenkantį mokinių sveikatosugdytojo vaidmenį: dalis mokytojų tai priima kaip savo pareigą, kiti linkę dalintis atsakomybesu mokyklos bendruomene, treti – sveikatos ugdymą priskiria mokytojui-specialistui.Ugdymo turinio integracijos principo taikymui įtakos turi tai, kiek konkreti vieno arkito bendrojo ugdymo dalyko tema siejasi su pasirinkta sveikatos ugdymo tema, o užtikrintisistemingą sveikatos ugdymo integravimą įgalina ugdymo proceso planavimas, glaudusmokytojų bendradarbiavimas su kolegomis ir besimokančiaisiais.
14 teachers of general subjects participating in the study of integrated education presented their reflection on the conducted educational activity by answering open-ended questions. The teachers’ reflections were analysed employing qualitative content analysis method. According to the laws related to the general education – every child should have a possibility to get educated in the setting that is promoting health as well as to improve the living skills and control their health. That is why, implementing the contents of the general education, it is so important to have a teacher as the model for the pupils. The teacher should be a member of the learning community, capable of building the health related competences of the pupils and creating the stimulating and strengthening educational environment. The importance of the integrated health education, performed by every teaching personnel, to go in line with the school strategy is crucial as it is a main precondition of the school communities’ inclusion into the activities that could ensure the continuum of health education. It has been disclosed that teachers have different perceptions of responsibilities and their role in the process of integrated health education: some teachers perceive it as their duty, while the others emphasised the shared teachers and parents’ responsibility for health education. Some teachers believed that this field is the responsibility of health education teacher – assigned personnel. The influence on the integration of health education into the contents of the subject was predetermined by the similarities of the subject themes to the proposed and chosen health education theme. The systematic integration of the health education is also influenced by the planning of education process, the close cooperation between the teaching staff and the pupils.