Some peculiarities of the song genre in the Lithuanian poetry of the 20th c
Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature |
Date Issued |
2015 |
Proximity of Lithuanian poetry to a song is a bright feature, especially noticable in the poetry of the 19th c. (A. Strazdas, A. Baranauskas, A. Vienažindys, Maironis). The works of Lithuanian scientist (J. Girdzijauskas, R. Malickaitė, L. Sauka, etc.), partly discuss stylistic characteristics, syntax and versification in folklore-like, literary and original songs, but the features of their composition are less analysed. Transformations of a song genre can be analysed in several aspects: 1) as features of expression of a folklore song; 2) as a transformation of a vocal song; 3) as an expression of song’s form analoques in lyrics; 4) as a transformation of a literary song. This article will discuss several qualities of transformations of vocal and folklore song genre in poetry. This research uses comparative methodology, functional analysis method, etc.