Muitinės veiklos įtaka Klaipėdos uosto konkurencingumui
Author(s) | |
Šipavičius, Antanas | Klaipėdos teritorinė muitinė |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
Šio straipsnio tikslas - paanalizuoti Klaipėdos teritorinės muitinės veiklos ypatumus, jos išau-gusj vaidmenį Lietuvai įstojus į Europos Sąjungą. Muitinė savo veikioje susiduria su dviem užduotimis, kurios tarpusavyje sunkiai suderinamos: sudaryti palankias sąlygas verslui plėtotis ir kokybiškai atlikti muitinės procedūras. Verslo atstovai yra suinteresuoti kuo mažiau laiko prarasti atliekant muitinj deklaravimą ir tikrinimą, nes laikas matuojamas pinigais, tuo tarpu sprendžiant visuomenės saugumo problemas, būtina patikimai įvertinti prekių siuntos riziką, o šis darbas reikalauja nemažų laiko sąnaudų. Straipsnyje analizuojami veiksniai, leidžiantys operatyviai nustatyti galimas grėsmes, akademinė bendruomenė skatinama atlikti mokslinius tyrimus, savu ruožtu prisidėti tobulinant muitinės veiklą, gerinant Klaipėdos uosto konkurencingumą.
One of the most relevant issues at the present is a development of Klaipeda state sea port information system. Electronic data exchange between the business and customs and an advance electronic declaration improve conditions for business and stimulate development of an international trade. Another major factor having a fair influence on the quality of customs procedures is equipping the customs posts and providing them with modern computer, communication and special customs inspection equipment and locations for in-depth inspections. Inspecting the goods with modern x-ray equipment, inspection time is reduced to the minimum. On the other hand, the customs must pay a great attention to creation of legal basis, training of qualified personnel and maintaining close cooperation with other institutions, business sector, etc. Inflexibility of the customs having a direct influence on all the process of cargo transportation may have a negative effect on the port competitiveness. This article is an incomplete scientific research. Analysis allows a presumption that from the first sight two conflicting goals - to ensure an effective control and to create favorable conditions for development of a legal business - are actually compatible. This problem is to be solved using scientific and IT possibilities. Another task of the article is to attract the attention of academic community towards very important spheres of activities of Klaipeda Territorial Customs and issues of port service and to encourage analysis of the customs influence on all factors determining the port competitiveness, forming principles and creation of a theoretical framework for organization of the modern customs activities.