Krikščionybė ir rytų religijos
Kultūros, filosofijos ir meno institutas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
One of the main characteristictics of the present is widening contacts and mutual influences among the people belonging to the different cultures. The Westerners are becoming increasingly interested in the cultures of the East (India, China, Japan), a sort of Easternization of the West is taking place. The great world religions - Christianity, on the one hand, Hinduism, Buddhism, on the other, are directly involved in the process of mutual interests and acquaintance. In close keeping with this process the comparative scientific researches are being carried out. The scholars examining the East-West cultural relations are discovering the deep differences in mentality deviding the societies of the above mentioned regions of the world, as well as certain similarities providing reason for their mutual understanding. The main dissimilarities lies in the different approaches to the relation of the objectivity and subjectivity in the human life. The Westerners are emphasizing mainly in the objectivity of facts, whereas for the thinking of the Easterners human feelings and intentions are more important than mere objective facts.