Žmogaus genetinio privatumo ir genomo apsaugos teisiniai ir etiniai aspektai
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Straipsnyje teisiniu, medicininiu bei etiniu aspektais analizuojama žmogaus genetinių duomenų apsaugos samprata. Atskleidžiant nevienareikšmiškai traktuojamus bei vertinamus Europos teisės dokumentus formuluojami aspektai, akcentuojantys genetinės diskriminacijos bei piktnaudžiavimo genetiniais duomenimis darbinėje, draudimo bei mokslinių tyrimų sferose, prevencijos svarbą.
Genetic discrimination is strictly forbidden by international conventions and declarations, which means that discrimination on the grounds of personal genetic information (diseases, abnormalities) is not possible in all areas, including employment and insurance. However, individuals face some problems in getting a job due to the publicity and information disclosure to their employers, or in increasing the amount of insurance premiums. However, the disclosure of genetic information may have relevant, statutory consequences and the victims may apply to court for defending these rights. It is essential to protect genetic rights, as any form of discrimination against a person on the grounds of their genetic heritage is prohibited and intervention in the health field or disclosure of such information is only possible after the person concerned has given their free and informed consent.