Kauno policijos fakulteto studentų profesinė karjera
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2008 |
Manome, kad motyvaciją siekti karjeros merginoms sustiprino ir šeimos nariai arba artimi giminės, dirbantis vidaus reikalų sistemoje, kadangi net 42,9 proc. merginų tęsiančių studijas artimieji dirba šioje sistemoje (merginų, neturinčių artimųjų vidaus reikalų sistemoje tik 23,6 proc. tęsė studijas, p<0,001). Taip pat nustatėme tendencijas, kad aukštojo išsilavinimo (karjeros) labiau siekia merginos sangvinikės, merginos, kurios subjektyviai save vertina “kaip esančios nervingos” ir merginos, kurioms nenustatytos charakterio akcentuacijos.
The girls coming from the families in which at least one of the parents had higher education were aiming at higher education more in comparison with the girls whose parents did not have higher education (accordingly 24.3 per cent and 9.3 per cent, p<0.001). We think that the motivation of the girls to carve out a career was reinforced by the family members or close relatives working in the system of the interior as well, as the close people of even 42.9 per cent of the girls continuing studies work in the system (among the girls who do not have close people in the system of the interior only 23.6 per cent continued the studies, p<0.001). We have also established the tendencies that sanguine girls, girls who subjectively evaluate themselves as “being nervous” and girls in whom character accentuations have not been established are aiming at higher education (career).