Dėstytojų ir studentų bendradarbiavimo elektroninėje komunikavimo terpėje privalumai ir trūkumai dėstytojų darbo organizavimo kontekste
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti atliktą tyrimą, išryškinantį elektroninės dėstytojų ir studentų komunikacijos privalumus ir trūkumus. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad technologizuotas komunikavimas yra vertinga pedagoginio darbo priemonė, tačiau studento ir dėstytojo bendravimo perkėlimas į elektroninę erdvę neturėtų tapti savaiminiu tikslu.
Nowadays maintaining connections without the help of informational technologies is impossible to imagine. The electronic space of communication removes the necessity of coordinating the time, place and length of social contacts, and enables to expand the number of contacts at the moment. IT is undoubtedly progressive for communication. However, there is an increasing number of scientific researches revealing that e-medium of communication has several disadvantages that become more significant as the proportion of direct and indirect communication changes due to the means of remote communication becoming more widely used. Those are, for example: increased levels of stress experienced by the users of informational technologies, reduced responsibility when making decisions, increased time of making decisions, reduced feeling of commitment, superficiality of interaction etc. The teachers and students in universities are increasingly communicating remotely. The tools used are email, real-time conversation program Skype, electronic space of studies Moodle, etc. These tools enable establishing and maintaining personal connections with each student as well as consulting groups of students regarding their interests and difficulties experienced with learning assignments. Due to the reason that the specifics of teachers‘work do not allow to attach to a single work place, electronic communication space seems to be the best tool of organizing a high quality joint work between the teacher and the student. The research presented in the article partly confirms this assumption. The results of the research show that technologized communication is a valuable tool of teacher and student communication. However, for the joint work of teacher and student to be effective the threats related to human nature and specifics of communicating by electronic medium must be evaluated and reduced as much as possible