Критика Павлом Новгородцевым утопий безгосударственности (против марксизма и анархизма)
Author(s) | |
Литвинов, Александр | Луганская академия внутренних дел имени 10-летия независимости Украины |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2005 |
Straipsnyje taip pat aptariamos P. N. Novgorodcevo mintys apie anarchistines doktrinas, apie jų idėjinį ryšį su marksistine doktrina valstybės nunykimo klausimu. Straipsnyje parodoma, kad anarchistinis mąstymo stilius būdingas ir kai kuriems mūsų laikmečio visuomenės sluoksniams. Straipsnyje daroma išvada, kad šių dienų anarchistinis individualizmas ne maskuojasi pastanga paneigti valstybės autoritetą, bet dangstosi kitokiomis etiketėmis: žmogaus neribojamo individualumo gynimu (jo visiškai moraliai nedeterminuojama seksualine laisve, privilegija keisti savo genetinę prigimtį ir kt.). Šių dienų anarchistinis individualizmas „bombarduojai valstybės pagrindus dogmatiškai interpretuodamas ir vertindamas kai kurias žmogaus teises, atsiedamas jas nuo realaus socialinio konteksto, nuo faktiškų ir moraliai nulemtų žmogaus gyvenimo atributų.
This article is written in connection with the 80h anniversary of the death of outstanding lawyer -historian and philosopher of law Pavel Novgorodtsev (1866-1924), who was the foundator of the school of ethical and idealism in law studying known as the "school of regenerative natural law". Glossing over his name in the Soviet time was an act of revenge of this political regime to the first (not only in Russia) science critic of Marxism proving not only insolvency but emergent danger of this theory and first of all it's tendency to terrorism.The article deals with the problem of the most influent Utopia of outpolitician - "scientific socialism" and anarchism in early of XX century. P. Novgorodtsev proved that the main contradiction of these tendencies and also the cause of their decomposition and disunity on different often opposite directions was the impossibility of these fundamental principles to stand the pressure of the practical life needs and examination of historical facts. He pointed to the general and various tendencies in the idea of outpolitician proving by socialism and anarchism proceeding of their social ideals. P. Novgorodtsev revealed gnoseological and ethical bases of weakness of these social ideals which are not able to answer the practical requirements and life needs. He pointed to danger and threat of these ideals: the superrational socialist ideal of total socialization of common life and irrational ideal of personal abstract freedom of anarchism practically united in their ultimate aim to destroy the state. Because these ideals and following of them aims have negative destructive potential of terrorist character about what P. Novgorodtsev warned.