Анализ социальной помощи, предоставляемой студентам Каунасского факультета полиции =
Latvijas Policijas akadēmija |
Date Issued |
2007 |
The investigation was performed in 2002-2003 in Mykolas Romeris University Kaunas faculty of Police. During the investigation 135 students were surveyed - 66 girls and 69 boys, i.e. 93 % of all the students admitted to the faculty. Results of the investigation were compared with the investigation performed in other higher schools. Methods of the inquiry have been analysis of sociological and statistical data, orders of MRU Rector, documents of Financial Section, decisions of daily Living Commission and others. According to the research results young people choose studies in Kaunas faculty of Police because they are allotted the best social support. All the students receive grants. They are accommodated at students' hostel. Food is cheap in the faculty's canteen because of granted subsidies. The students are provided with clothing. It has been established that social support allotted to the students of the faculty is motivated and expedient, because it has been more often allotted to the students who come from poor families and receive less support from the parents. An assumption that allotment of more weighty social support to the students, in comparison with other higher schools, encourages part of the young people to study in Kaunas faculty of Police has been made.