Vyresnio amžiaus žmonių požiūris į kohabitaciją
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Tyrimo rezultatai leidžia konstatuoti, kad informantai vadovavosi savita santykių artumo samprata, kurioje yra tarsi trys „laipteliai“: neįpareigojantis vyro ir moters ryšys, bent iš dalies įpareigojantis ryšys (kohabitacija) ir santuoka. Atitinkamai reikalavimai / pageidavimai, keliami parnerio (-ės) savybėms – statusui, būsimiems santykiams – mažesni, jei santykiai suvokiami kaip kohabitacija, ir didesni, jei jie suvokiami kaip santuoka. Tyrimas taip pat atskleidė informantams (-ėms) būdingą egocentrinį požiūrį į kohabitaciją ir santuoką, kai vyro ir moters ryšys visų pirma suvokiamas kaip būdas patenkinti asmeninius poreikius.
The research results provided a more comprehensive understanding of the cohabitation causes. It was stated that the informants could be guided by a unique concept of closeness, which was combined of three steps: binding relationship between man and woman, at least in part binding relationship (cohabitation), and marriage. Accordingly, the requirements/wishes for partner’s characteristics, status, perspective of the relations, etc. were identified. These requirements were lower if the relationship was perceived as cohabitation and higher if they were thought of as marriage. In many cases, the status of a married person has not been the general motive for marriage. Such a reason could be some type of a marriage (marriage with a social status person, marriage with a social status and wealthy person, the person who acts in the researched person’s children education, etc.). This motive was perhaps even stronger than the marriage with a specific person. The study also revealed that the informants had a typical egocentric attitude towards cohabitation and marriage, a man and woman relationship was perceived primarily as a way to meet the person’s needs. Therefore, it is quite possible to assume that the lack of empathic ability to take into account partner’s feelings and needs can be one of the factors contributing to the cohabitation.