Subjektyvusis probacijos veiksmingumas: probacijos tarnybų veiklos vertinimas kliento požiūriu
Nikartas, Simonas |
Katinaitė-Lodh, Renata |
Date Issued |
2018 |
The results of the survey of convicted persons under the supervision of Lithuanian probation service are presented in this article. During the survey probation services clients assessed different aspects of probation officers work, e. g. behavior and communication, the provision of the information, motivational work encouraging to participation in resocialization programs, the influence on changes in a client’s behavior etc. The results of the survey revealed that convicted persons evaluate the work of probation officers very positively; especially aspects such as communication and respectful behavior were assessed very well. For example, 84.4% of respondents are satisfied with supervision carried out by probation officers, 89.1%. respondents positively evaluated their relationship with a probation officer, 94.8%. respondents claimed that probation officers treated them with respect. The efforts of probation officers to motivate clients were also very well assessed, for example, 85.5% of respondents said that probation service officers encouraged them for positive behavioral changes, 74% pointed out that participation in programs carried out by probation officers contributed to the solution of their personal problems, 77% suggested that probation officers helped them to avoid repeated criminal behavior. The results of the survey show that the evaluation of the activities of Lithuanian probation services does not differ from the results of similar studies carried out in foreign countries, which, is an indicator of the positive evaluation of the work of probation service workers.
Straipsnyje, remiantis 2016 m. atliktos asmenų, esančių probacijos tarnybų priežiūroje, apklausos rezultatais, nagrinėjami probacijos tarnybų veiklos kokybės aspektai. Tyrimu atskleidžiamas nuteistųjų vertinimas tokiais probacijos tarnybų pareigūnų darbo aspektais, kaip elgesys ir bendravimas su nuteistuoju, informacijos ir pagalbos nuteistajam teikimas, motyvavimas dalyvauti resocializacijos priemonėse. subjektyvusis pareigūnų darbo įtakos pozityviems nuteistojo elgesio pokyčiams vertinimas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad nuteistieji probacijos pareigūnų darbą vertina labai pozityviai. Ypač teigiamai vertinami pareigūnų bendravimo su nuteistaisiais aspektai. Straipsnyje taip pat pateikiamos įžvalgos dėl tolimesnių šios srities tyrimų.