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Образование пограничников в аспекте долгосрочного развития
Type of publication
Straipsnis recenzuojamoje Lietuvos tarptautinės konferencijos medžiagoje / Article in peer-reviewed Lithuanian international conference proceedings (P1e)
Author(s) | |
Дукшта, Гунтис | Колледж Государственной пограничной охраны |
Title [ru]
Образование пограничников в аспекте долгосрочного развития
Other Title [en]
Border guards education in sustainable development aspect
Publisher (trusted)
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2010 |
p. 58-64
Is part of
Visuomenės saugumas globalizacijos kontekste : tarptautinės mokslinės – praktinės konferencijos „Globalizacijos iššūkiai užtikrinant visuomenės saugumą“ pranešimų rinkinys (2) = Security of society in the global context : the Annual International Scientific - Practical Conference “Challenges of globalization in securing public security” : conference proceedings (2), 2010 12 9-10 [Elektroninis išteklius] / Mykolo Romerio universitetas. Viešojo saugumo fakultetas. - 1 elektron. opt. diskas. Kaunas : Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2010, [Nr.] 2.
Field of Science
Keywords (en)
Abstract (en)
Sustainable development is a pattern recourse use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for future generations. The term was used by the Brundtland Commision which coined what has become the most often-quoted of sustainable development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Education for sustainable development aims to help people to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge to make informed decisions for benefit of themselves and others, now and in the future, and to act upon decisions.
Type of document
type::text::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper
ISSN (of the container)
Coverage Spatial
Lietuva / Lithuania (LT)
Rusų / Russian (ru)
Bibliographic Details
Access Rights
Atviroji prieiga / Open Access